Genesis & Sri Lankan Comic Scene

Hello folks--I've got another 04 page short comic up. This time, I collaborated with our very own sci-fi novel guru Yudhanjaya Wijeratne. Feel free to read it and enjoy! Thanks! - Sachi Ediriweera
Comic scene's been rising in Sri Lanka gradually for the last few years. With the start of Comic Con Sri Lanka, now the comic scene has a bigger and a more stable platform and most importantly a larger audience of amazing fans all around the island.

A good friend of mine, a very talented artist and a passionate creator by the name Sahan Munasighe published three comics over the last six years namely, Crimson Shade, The Rain At Dawn, and The Ash Reaper. Each of these comics were better than the previous in terms of illustrations as well as the story telling because of the passion and dedication he had for the art. The reason for this mention is because that's what a country trying to give birth to independent creators require; Passionate individuals whose biggest expectation is to reach peers and be appreciated. Collaborations between such individuals accelerate the growth of the industry greatly. Which is why the creation of PRUVE comics was a big deal!

The newest collaboration in the Sri Lankan Comic scene is even more special because a celebrated Sci-Fi Author, Yudhanjaya Wijeratne collaborated with a talented artist, Sachi Ediriweera to create the four-page mini-comic, "Genesis". To be honest, I loved the art, the story and the whole comic in general.

And I've got to say that 'The God' in this comic bears a striking resemblance to Yudhanjaya but Sachi Ediriweera stated that it is just a happy coincidence. You can judge for yourselves.

All joking aside, these collaborations need to be appreciated and encouraged. The quality of this comic is world-class and I'm sure a lot of fans like myself are waiting for a full length version of this and are willing to buy a printed version of it. May be we could even crowdfund the publishing of this and other comics that deserve recognition and appreciation because even though these passionate artists are not after money, a monetary reward could definitely be an investment to see more of these great pieces of art.

You can read the comic on Behnace for free of charge through the following link.